August 16, 2007

My comments to Pajanamation Concept 2.0

Hey, way to go for Pajamanation!!! This is Ulises from Mexico

I completely agree with this premises:
Pajamanation should be Free
Pajamanation should be Miscellaneous
Pajamanation needs to have a higher purpose
Pajamanation should not focus on profiles
Pajamanation layout was stiffy (inflexible)

I think mixing the power of the Toffle's "prosumer" with the higher purpose of developing entrepreneurs we can do that the people using PJN will virally extend the use of it and will be willing to retribute in money the service they are getting.

The model of suscriptions is very hard to virally grow, perhaps a model in which the user pay for results. In our CPA, CPC, network the growing has been astonishing cause we are helping the people to make sales, and they are willing to invest without a top if they get real buyers for a ROI logic price.

The question is how to charge in a micropayment form, how do we get to all that people that is not willing to give his credit card or doesn't have one in the many countries we have? How do we find an easy way to collect money from the millions of users we are going to have?

perhaps collecting money from the providers of solutions allied with us will be easier, cause eventhough marketing budgets are growing worldwide we can't rely 100% on them.

Greeting to all!

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