October 11, 2007



1. Teaching. Working at home is very efficient and leaves time enough to study again. Plan a teaching career, go back to university, take the degree and apply for a teaching position as a freelance professor. Here are some free courses. There is a big market out there for academics who want to be paid on invoice. Academia is opening up and degrees are going online
2. Hand holding. Do not say 'no' too soon when you are offered to do a project that is out of your skill zone. See it as an opportunity to learn. Find an expert and let him guide you through the motions, in that case you have a win-win: you have accomplished the project, it was done by an expert and you were taught on the job. I once did this with a project on financial engineering. After this assignment, I can do this project over and over again. It has become one of my assets. I have also offered the expert to do future projects together with me on a fifty-fifty basis and he agreed.
3. Structuring (sell and rent back). The trouble with starting a home business is that you need starter money equivalent to at least a year’s income. Lately I have seen a lot of people who have sold their real estate (their house) and rent it back. When they have successfully deployed a new home business, they buy another house or the same again.☺
4. Chase Subsidies. There are subsidies for almost anything when you start to look for them, there are even subsidy consultants who write the papers for you.
5. Tax Relief is also income: 46 Tax deductions Bloggers overlook.
6. Set up a Virtual company with a good domain name (and some email addresses), a logo and a simple website and then let them mature. These are called Shelf Companies. Maturity is good for credit rating. If you can, add a bank account. I normally use www.corporate.com as my agent. I take a resident agent and mail forwarding as extras. Sometimes even a receptionist who picks up the phone and transfers it to my mobile. These companies are hot items to sell.
7. Become a virtual assistant.
8. Become a Web 2.0 consultant. You would be surprised to find out how many people are still in web 1.0 time and how badly they want “the new stuff”. This is your pitch. Start with validating
9. Give a Talk. It is very hard I find to get real money paid to talk somewhere but I find it stimulating and the organizations always pay transport and hotel. It is good to be out of the pajamas now and then ☺
10. Trade services. Yesterday I talked about microjobs. Ask yourself what is added value to a solution. It is most of the time coordination, presentation and organization. Use microjob sites such as www.pajamanation.com, to outsource the assignments you bring in and oversee them. You will make a lot more money. Heard about Tim Ferriss Four-hour work week?