August 24, 2007

A little bit of Steve

A little bit of Steve

At this very moment, we are all entrepreneurs doing an entrepreneurial project together, Pajamanation.  But this is only the beginning of our entrepreneurial activity.  Think of what we will be in a year.  They have asked me about the size of our market, so we put something together and said a couple of millions sure, 20 to 30 perhaps.  But all this is aiming too low.  Really too low.  We should not look at our new economic agenda like a botanist who says how many potential homeworkers will there be?  A botanist does not make any sense in the Cambrian Explosion (the mashup world of today).  There will not only be homeworkers making use of Pajamanation, or consultants with a home office or freelancers, or women staying at home with the kids, or the kids themselves outsourcing ideas or school papers.  There will be many more, think of the disabled, think of the sick, think of the unemployed, think of the economically challenged worlds out there, think of people in their day job quickly doing a microjob on the side (sunlighting), think of moonlighters (people who have a day job and do a microjob in the evening), think of teleworkers who are looking for a pause and do a microjob instead of playing solitaire, think of SMEs who will outsource all their bottlenecks in the form of microjobs, think of corporations where internal entrepreneurs will outsource feasibility projects, think of individuals, think of families as a whole who are doing microjobs.  

The right question for PajamaNation is: how many people on earth have creative ideas, at least one a year.  A wild guess: one billion.  But this means that I exclude 5 billion and label them Zombiestan and it also means that people normally only get one creative idea a year, which is nonsense.  

Critics of course are saying that they need access to computers.  But talk to young people nowadays, wherever you are: they cannot envisage their lives not having a cyberspace.  They will live digitally.  

Lately I have been feeling a bit like Steve Jobs (I wish ☺ launching the iphone.  I have been approached by people wanting to make products, services and even companies for the sheer mass of people we are going to reach and this is good.  This is very good.  Here come the apps, de dev kits, the links, the services, the cross-fertilization.  Yummy.

As I told you before we have been talking to  They want to set up a legal desk for homeworkers, they want to do micro-insurances for us, they want to do escrows for us.  They smell the potential.  One of our greatest deals said yes to an alliance whereby all our members can publish their books.  Lulu is more than famous, they smell the potential.  Yosi found two other companies that want to offer services and

But recently I have been approached by others with more ideas.  Nasir, our manager of Malaysia came up with a good idea for our pajamadomains and is now thinking of a venture to involve all country managers to be the biggest second-level domain shop next to  Charles Palanco, the CEO of is not only convinced he should join us with P2P lending he also came up with two new products (PeopleTrust and Cardtrust) for our specific audience.  An interim office in Montana wants to add us as another line of business.  I told you about the great project that Stephen Wolfram offered us.  

But you?  Ask yourself what you can do for your nation ☺)
A killer product you can offer to all of us, someone in your country we should talk to, a service that is  badly needed.  Be creative, before somebody else is, because before you know it we will be booming and then it is too late (although you were on the front row).


1 comment:

Yosi Dagan said...

Thank you Walter for expanding our horizons, again and again and again...

Yosi Dagan