Google’s Omnipresence
I will not talk about the Google Lunar Xprize the virtual world project, their bid on the 700 Mhz spectrum, their naughty plans for Facebook, their telecom aspirations, their pacific sea cable project, their sky and progress in street view project etc..
This blog is about something so simple that it is revolutionary in its elegance. Please look at the video. This is what homeworkers and Pajamanation needs. I propose that very soon when we launch we will present this to the millions out there to be their application of choice.
TechCrunch reports that Google will “announce a new set of APIs on November 5 that will allow developers to leverage Google’s social graph data. They’ll start with Orkut and iGoogle ... and expand from there to include Gmail, Google Talk and other Google services over time.”
1 comment:
This is what I've been recommending over the less friendly wikis... I've been using Google Docs a lot... and Notebook too - The stuff and ways to jot notes we are familiar with, plus a bit more kicks in tech innovations.
Wikis are great for crowd publishing, not sharing and collaboration... (only 1% or much less of wiki editors actually contribute content of much values)
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