September 4, 2007



The English have a nice word for it: flabbergasted.  Amazed, I was when I saw who reads my blog.  I thought less than a hundred people, but thanks to the English language and Google, I get readers from all over the world.  I just integrated  FEEDJIT which gives you  (dixit Feedjit) real-time traffic data on your blog. No registration required and it's completely free. See where your visitors are located in the world, which websites they're arriving from and what they're clicking when they leave your site.

You can even do better and try out Google's Touchgraph TouchGraph's powerful visualization solutions reveal relationships between people, organizations, and ideas .  If you type in '' you get a wow effect. 

Further tools for our website and blog continue to appear: Builtwith to find out which software was used to build this site.  Webgrader gives you SEO tips and checks out every mistake you have made.  Google is ready with the Google GWT (Web Toolkit) gives 6 tips how to SEO your blog which are very useful and to monetize your blog look here :

The only thing that frustrates me is Treppenwitze, l'esprit de l'escalier, staircase wit: I should have used Wordpress!

1 comment:

Sennichi said...

I have alot of blogs, ones are private, others no. But i have been studying how to migrate each one from Blogger to WordPress, and Walter, it is easy. (more hard is publish one microjob on pajamanation..for now...)

I am not the guy for give you support, but Andy is the right man for help you.

About the news tools, i am more and more excited, will be finally our corporate and local websites of PJN?

I have another issues but i am going to forum for talk between pajamaworkers.